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About Robotics

Why Educational Robotics Systems are Important

There is a growing recognition that Computational Thinking Practices are critical for all students to learn. They form the cornerstone of the language of innovation, and will drive all future STEM discoveries. They are a new set of “basic skills” that all students need to know. Educational robotics systems like the EV3 provide a much-needed tool to make them real and approachable. These practices – precise logical thinking, using data to make smart decisions, analyzing problems, and building solutions in teams – are critical in all forms of problem-solving, not just robotic ones.

Robotics activities are concrete, contextualized, and provide immediate feedback important factors in satisfying a student’s desire for success and creating the motivation to continue learning. Students also learn about the robotics technologies themselves, which impact all modern industries, from agriculture to healthcare, banking, manufacturing, transportation, energy, and security. The pervasiveness of robotics technologies helps students to be “engaged learners” as they believe that the content that they are studying is important or will be valuable to them.


What Standards do the courses address

The courses touch on standards across five categories :
  • Common Core Mathematics Practices
  • Common Core Mathematics Content
  • Common Core English Language Arts
  • Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
  • Computer Science Principles Framework (CSP)

What skills do the courses cover

Students will learn through the courses multiple skills:
  • Time management.
  • Precise programming and measurements.
  • Mathematical and logical clarity.
  • Using data and making decisions.
  • Systematic thinking with mental models.
  • Problem-solving strategies
  • Building solutions to real-world problems.
  • Computational Thinking Practices.
  • Engineering practices (CAD courses).
    1. Engineering process.
    2. Technical drawings.
    3. Mechatronics system design.
    4. Mechanism
    5. Measurement

What curriculums are used in the course

Our courses are designed based on curriculums of Carnegie Mellon’s Robotics Academy in USA Carnegie Mellon’s Robotics Academy studies how teachers use robots in classrooms to teach Computer Science, Science, Technology Engineering, and Mathematics (CS-STEM).




What topics are covered in the course

(Graphic-based programming)
UnitMain TopicsReal-world challengeHours
Getting Startedports, brick hardware, using software-2
Building robot educatorUse building instruction to build robot educator hardware-2
Moving StraightMotors, Sequences of Commands, Block Settings, Downloading and Running Programs, Move Steering BlockSensabot Challenge3
TurningTurning, Types of Turns, Move Steering vs. Move Tank BlockOrchard Challenge4
Move Until TouchSensors, Wait For Block, Touch Sensor, Move Until BehaviorsArm Position Challenge3
Move Until NearUltrasonic Sensor, ThresholdsMaze Challenge4

What topics are covered in the course

(Graphic-based programming)
UnitMain TopicsReal-world challengeHours
Move until ColorColor SensorTraffic Signal Challenge3
Turn for AngleGyro Sensor, Compensating for Sensor ErrorMower Challenge4
LoopsLoops, Patterns of BehaviorContainer Handling Challenge3
SwitchesSwitches, Conditional ReasoningStrawberry Plant Challenge3
Switch-LoopsObstacle Detection Behavior, Repeated Decisions PatternObstacle Orchard Challenge3
Line FollowerLine Following (a Repeated Decisions Pattern Behavior)Line Tracking Challenge2

What topics are covered in the course

(Graphic-based programming)
UnitMain TopicsReal-world challengeHours
Data LoggingData Logging Block, Resetting SensorsGyro Sensor Investigation. (Data Logging: Interpretation)1
Dataset CalculationExperiment Mode, Uploading from EV3, Dataset Calculation, Auto scaling, X-axis and Y-axis of the Experiment ModeGyro Sensor Investigation. (Data Logging: Interpretation)2
AnalysisReading values, Point Analysis ToolGyro Sensor Investigation. (Data Logging: Interpretation)2
Random MoveData Wires, Random Block,Pipeline Explorer Challenge1
Wall Distance ValueUsing Sensor Data Values to Control a Robots Speed, Sensor Blocks, Using Loops to Update Values, Modifying the Move Steering BlockPipeline Explorer Challenge2
Displaying DataDisplaying Data on your EV3, Display Blocks, Wiring Display Blocks, Modifying Display Blocks, Updating Data on Display BlocksPipeline Explorer Challenge2
Advanced CalculationMath Blocks, Display Blocks, Converting Units from Rotations to Centimeters TravelledPipeline Explorer Challenge2
VariablesVariable Blocks, Naming Variables, Storing Variables, Reading Variables, Displaying VariablesPipeline Explorer Challenge2
Search and RescueUsing everything has been learned to create a rescue robotRescue robot challenge4

What topics are covered in the course

(Graphic-based programming + Robot Design)
UnitMain TopicsReal-world challengeHours
Gyro BoyRobot DesignSelf-balancing robot2
Gyro BoyRobot programmingSelf-balancing robot3
Colour sorterRobot DesignColour Sorting machine2
Colour sorterRobot programmingColour Sorting machine3
PuppyRobot Designinteractive pet robot2
PuppyRobot programminginteractive pet robot3
Robot ArmRobot DesignIndustrial pick and place robot2
Robot ArmRobot programmingIndustrial pick and place robot3

What topics are covered in the course

(Text-based programming)
UnitMain TopicsReal-world challengeHours
Basic Robot MovementProgram the robot with basic forward and backward momentsAngular Maze Challenge2
Moving the ArmProgram the arm attachmentAngular Maze Challenge2
TurningProgramming basic point and swing turnsAngular Maze Challenge2
Repeat LoopsLearn about loops and repeating behaviorsAngular Maze Challenge2
CommentingWriting comments and code organizationAngular Maze Challenge2
EncodersLearn about encoders and using them properly2
Touch SensorLearn about the Touch sensor and how it works2
Distance SensorLearn about the Ultrasonic Distance sensor2
Gyro SensorLearn about the Gyro sensor2

What topics are covered in the course

(Text-based programming)
UnitMain TopicsReal-world challengeHours
Color Sensor (Conditionals)Learn about the Color sensor and using conditional statementsCapstone Challenge2
Color Sensor (Repeat Behaviors)Learn about repeat loops with Color and other sensorsCapstone Challenge2
Color Sensor (Line Tracking)Learn about the idea of line trackingCapstone Challenge2
Encoders and VariablesLearn about using variables and extended encoder usagePipeline Challenge2
FunctionsLearn to create and use functionsPipeline Challenge2
Move Multiple LinesLearn to use multiple functions and storing valuesPipeline Challenge2
Converting Distance to CMApplying math operations with stored valuesPipeline Challenge2
Calculate Distance FunctionsCreating advance functionsPipeline Challenge2
Functions ParametersUtilizing function parametersPipeline Challenge1
Displaying Value to LCDLearn how to display information on the LCD screenPipeline Challenge1

What topics are covered in the course

(Text-based programming)
UnitMain TopicsReal-world challengeHours
IntroductionLearn about the real robot application of Barcode ScannerBarcode Scanner Challenge2
ArraysLearn about arrays and its functionalitiesBarcode Scanner Challenge2
Detecting Lines/Storing ResultsLearn about additional variables and functionsBarcode Scanner Challenge2
For LoopsLearn about For Loops and its functionalitiesBarcode Scanner Challenge2
Binary Data ConversionLearn about binary computer and how to apply itBarcode Scanner Challenge2
Barcode Data DisplayLearn how to display information on the LCD screenBarcode Scanner Challenge2
Ideation PhaseAs the grand challenge, it is broken down into multiple phases. Ideation Phase focuses on research and pre-planning.Automated Car Park Challenge2
Development PhaseFocuses on development and maintaining rational goals during developmentAutomated Car Park Challenge2
Review PhaseLearn about changes throughout development and lessons learnedAutomated Car Park Challenge2

What topics are covered in the course

(Text-based programming + Robot Design)
UnitMain TopicsReal-world challengeHours
Tank BotRobot DesignTank vehicle2
Tank BotRobot programmingTank vehicle3
ZnapRobot DesignMonster robot2
ZnapRobot programmingMonster robot3
Stair clamperRobot DesignStair clamping vehicle2
Stair clamperRobot programmingStair clamping vehicle3
Remote controlRobot DesignBluetooth hand controller2
Remote controlRobot programmingBluetooth hand controller3

What topics are covered in the course

(Computer Aided design)
UnitMain TopicsHours
Project ManagementThis section introduces students to industry-established best practices for brainstorming, working in teams, managing time, conducting design reviews, and using engineering processes. The worksheets contain tips and tricks to help any new team to work together when they are problem-solving. Also, some examples are included that explain how today’s project managers track resources for projects they work on.6
Introduction to SketchingSketching is the language that engineers use; “A picture is worth a thousand words...” This section contains ten sketching worksheets that will give students practice developing basic sketching techniques.6
Multi-View SketchingContinuing development in sketching, this section helps to bridge the gap between two dimensional ‘flat’ sketches and their three-dimensional representations with the ‘glass box’ example. The worksheets included provide students with an introduction that slowly ramps up with more complex examples. It ends with a Drawing Interpretations section to ensure that students understand multi-view drawings6

What topics are covered in the course

(Computer Aided design)
UnitMain TopicsHours
Pictorial SketchingPictorial sketching worksheets are designed to introduce students to the methods that engineers use when designing things. Students have already seen these representations in other sections, but will now dive deeper into isometric sketching and the thought behind it. There are many examples and exercises in this section that are designed to give students the ability to develop their own pictorial sketches.6
Dimensioning and MeasurementIn this section, students have the ability to practice how to measure and dimension parts applying either English and metric measurement. The chapter includes student worksheets that will walk through techniques for measurement both with a ruler and protractor. It also provides additional measurement examples and dimensioning rules.6
MechanicsThe mechanics section reinforces fundamental math skills as students learn about the impact that gears, pulleys, and varying wheel diameters have on their robot solutions. The exercises are designed to give students an opportunity to apply problem-solving skills, convert units, and answer questions about ratios and proportions. Each lesson in the mechanics section is provided with detailed answers to all questions in the Teacher’s Supplement.6
Elementary 1

What topics are covered in the course

(Graphic-based programming)
UnitMain TopicsReal-world challengeHours
Getting Startedports, brick hardware, using software-2
Building robot educatorUse building instruction to build robot educator hardware-2
Moving StraightMotors, Sequences of Commands, Block Settings, Downloading and Running Programs, Move Steering BlockSensabot Challenge3
TurningTurning, Types of Turns, Move Steering vs. Move Tank BlockOrchard Challenge4
Move Until TouchSensors, Wait For Block, Touch Sensor, Move Until BehaviorsArm Position Challenge3
Move Until NearUltrasonic Sensor, ThresholdsMaze Challenge4
Elementary 2

What topics are covered in the course

(Graphic-based programming)
UnitMain TopicsReal-world challengeHours
Move until ColorColor SensorTraffic Signal Challenge3
Turn for AngleGyro Sensor, Compensating for Sensor ErrorMower Challenge4
LoopsLoops, Patterns of BehaviorContainer Handling Challenge3
SwitchesSwitches, Conditional ReasoningStrawberry Plant Challenge3
Switch-LoopsObstacle Detection Behavior, Repeated Decisions PatternObstacle Orchard Challenge3
Line FollowerLine Following (a Repeated Decisions Pattern Behavior)Line Tracking Challenge2
Intermediate 1

What topics are covered in the course

(Graphic-based programming)
UnitMain TopicsReal-world challengeHours
Data LoggingData Logging Block, Resetting SensorsGyro Sensor Investigation. (Data Logging: Interpretation)1
Dataset CalculationExperiment Mode, Uploading from EV3, Dataset Calculation, Auto scaling, X-axis and Y-axis of the Experiment ModeGyro Sensor Investigation. (Data Logging: Interpretation)2
AnalysisReading values, Point Analysis ToolGyro Sensor Investigation. (Data Logging: Interpretation)2
Random MoveData Wires, Random Block,Pipeline Explorer Challenge1
Wall Distance ValueUsing Sensor Data Values to Control a Robots Speed, Sensor Blocks, Using Loops to Update Values, Modifying the Move Steering BlockPipeline Explorer Challenge2
Displaying DataDisplaying Data on your EV3, Display Blocks, Wiring Display Blocks, Modifying Display Blocks, Updating Data on Display BlocksPipeline Explorer Challenge2
Advanced CalculationMath Blocks, Display Blocks, Converting Units from Rotations to Centimeters TravelledPipeline Explorer Challenge2
VariablesVariable Blocks, Naming Variables, Storing Variables, Reading Variables, Displaying VariablesPipeline Explorer Challenge2
Search and RescueUsing everything has been learned to create a rescue robotRescue robot challenge4
Intermediate 2

What topics are covered in the course

(Graphic-based programming + Robot Design)
UnitMain TopicsReal-world challengeHours
Gyro BoyRobot DesignSelf-balancing robot2
Gyro BoyRobot programmingSelf-balancing robot3
Colour sorterRobot DesignColour Sorting machine2
Colour sorterRobot programmingColour Sorting machine3
PuppyRobot Designinteractive pet robot2
PuppyRobot programminginteractive pet robot3
Robot ArmRobot DesignIndustrial pick and place robot2
Robot ArmRobot programmingIndustrial pick and place robot3
Advanced 1

What topics are covered in the course

(Text-based programming)
UnitMain TopicsReal-world challengeHours
Basic Robot MovementProgram the robot with basic forward and backward momentsAngular Maze Challenge2
Moving the ArmProgram the arm attachmentAngular Maze Challenge2
TurningProgramming basic point and swing turnsAngular Maze Challenge2
Repeat LoopsLearn about loops and repeating behaviorsAngular Maze Challenge2
CommentingWriting comments and code organizationAngular Maze Challenge2
EncodersLearn about encoders and using them properly2
Touch SensorLearn about the Touch sensor and how it works2
Distance SensorLearn about the Ultrasonic Distance sensor2
Gyro SensorLearn about the Gyro sensor2
Advanced 2

What topics are covered in the course

(Text-based programming)
UnitMain TopicsReal-world challengeHours
Color Sensor (Conditionals)Learn about the Color sensor and using conditional statementsCapstone Challenge2
Color Sensor (Repeat Behaviors)Learn about repeat loops with Color and other sensorsCapstone Challenge2
Color Sensor (Line Tracking)Learn about the idea of line trackingCapstone Challenge2
Encoders and VariablesLearn about using variables and extended encoder usagePipeline Challenge2
FunctionsLearn to create and use functionsPipeline Challenge2
Move Multiple LinesLearn to use multiple functions and storing valuesPipeline Challenge2
Converting Distance to CMApplying math operations with stored valuesPipeline Challenge2
Calculate Distance FunctionsCreating advance functionsPipeline Challenge2
Functions ParametersUtilizing function parametersPipeline Challenge1
Displaying Value to LCDLearn how to display information on the LCD screenPipeline Challenge1
Advanced 3

What topics are covered in the course

(Text-based programming)
UnitMain TopicsReal-world challengeHours
IntroductionLearn about the real robot application of Barcode ScannerBarcode Scanner Challenge2
ArraysLearn about arrays and its functionalitiesBarcode Scanner Challenge2
Detecting Lines/Storing ResultsLearn about additional variables and functionsBarcode Scanner Challenge2
For LoopsLearn about For Loops and its functionalitiesBarcode Scanner Challenge2
Binary Data ConversionLearn about binary computer and how to apply itBarcode Scanner Challenge2
Barcode Data DisplayLearn how to display information on the LCD screenBarcode Scanner Challenge2
Ideation PhaseAs the grand challenge, it is broken down into multiple phases. Ideation Phase focuses on research and pre-planning.Automated Car Park Challenge2
Development PhaseFocuses on development and maintaining rational goals during developmentAutomated Car Park Challenge2
Review PhaseLearn about changes throughout development and lessons learnedAutomated Car Park Challenge2
Advanced 4

What topics are covered in the course

(Text-based programming + Robot Design)
UnitMain TopicsReal-world challengeHours
Tank BotRobot DesignTank vehicle2
Tank BotRobot programmingTank vehicle3
ZnapRobot DesignMonster robot2
ZnapRobot programmingMonster robot3
Stair clamperRobot DesignStair clamping vehicle2
Stair clamperRobot programmingStair clamping vehicle3
Remote controlRobot DesignBluetooth hand controller2
Remote controlRobot programmingBluetooth hand controller3
Engineering CAD 1

What topics are covered in the course

(Computer Aided design)
UnitMain TopicsHours
Project ManagementThis section introduces students to industry-established best practices for brainstorming, working in teams, managing time, conducting design reviews, and using engineering processes. The worksheets contain tips and tricks to help any new team to work together when they are problem-solving. Also, some examples are included that explain how today’s project managers track resources for projects they work on.6
Introduction to SketchingSketching is the language that engineers use; “A picture is worth a thousand words...” This section contains ten sketching worksheets that will give students practice developing basic sketching techniques.6
Multi-View SketchingContinuing development in sketching, this section helps to bridge the gap between two dimensional ‘flat’ sketches and their three-dimensional representations with the ‘glass box’ example. The worksheets included provide students with an introduction that slowly ramps up with more complex examples. It ends with a Drawing Interpretations section to ensure that students understand multi-view drawings6
Engineering CAD 2

What topics are covered in the course

(Computer Aided design)
UnitMain TopicsHours
Pictorial SketchingPictorial sketching worksheets are designed to introduce students to the methods that engineers use when designing things. Students have already seen these representations in other sections, but will now dive deeper into isometric sketching and the thought behind it. There are many examples and exercises in this section that are designed to give students the ability to develop their own pictorial sketches.6
Dimensioning and MeasurementIn this section, students have the ability to practice how to measure and dimension parts applying either English and metric measurement. The chapter includes student worksheets that will walk through techniques for measurement both with a ruler and protractor. It also provides additional measurement examples and dimensioning rules.6
MechanicsThe mechanics section reinforces fundamental math skills as students learn about the impact that gears, pulleys, and varying wheel diameters have on their robot solutions. The exercises are designed to give students an opportunity to apply problem-solving skills, convert units, and answer questions about ratios and proportions. Each lesson in the mechanics section is provided with detailed answers to all questions in the Teacher’s Supplement.6
Requirments to join
  • New Students are required to do the ROBOTICS placement test to see their level in the subject

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