عن دورة الروبوتيكس
وفي هذه الدورة يقوم الطالب يتركيب وبرمجة و تشغيل الربوت الخاص به ويطبق في ذلك علوم التكنولوحيا والهندسة والرياضيات والعلوم
والمنهج المعتمد في هذه الدورات هو منهج أكاديمية كارنيجي ميلون للربوت في الولايات المتحدة الامريكية http://education.rec.ri.cmu.edu/. Carnegie Mellon’s Robotics Academy
الهدف العام من البرنامج التدريبي
تزوٌد الطالب بالمهارات والمعلومات الأساسية اللازمة للتعامل مع الروبت وبرمجته وتركيبه وتنمية روح الإبداع والابتكار عنده بواسطة مدربين محترفين
طلاب المدراس من الفئة العمرية 7-21 سنة
مدة البرنامج التدريبي
يشمل البرنامج التدريبي علي 6 مستويات ، بعدد 20 ساعة للمستوى الواحد

الأهداف التفصيلية
1- على مقدمة في علم البرمجة
2- بتعرف على مكونلت الربوت
3- يعرف الر بوت على الحاسب الشخصي
4- يبرمج الانواع المختلفة لمحركات الربوت
5- يتعامل مع حساسات الربوت
6- يتعامل مع أساسيات لغة برمجة الروبوت بكفاءة

اهمية البرنامج
1- يلبي احتياجات المبدعين و الموهوبين من الطلاب
2- ينمي مهارات التفكير و الابتكار
3- تنمية مهارات الطالب باللغة الإنجليزية حيث أن الدراسة باللغة الإنجليزية
4- تطبيق الطالب لعلوم الهندسة والرياضيات والتكنولوجيا حيث يقوم الطالب بجميع العمليات الحسابية للربوت
5- يسهم في بناء مهارات العمل في فريق ، والمهارات القيادية وبناء الشخصية
المخرجات المتوقعة
• سيحصل الطالب على اساسيات الروبوت وكيف يعمل
• سيتعلم كيفية اختبار وفحص القطع الإلكترونية
• سيتدرب على كيفية تركيب المخظظات الإليكترونية ورسمها
• سيتعلم كيعمل الربوت ومبدا عمله وتوصيله وتسغيله وتسييره
أهمية البرنامج بالنسبة للمدرسة
1- يعكس تطور المدرسة التعليمي والتقني والتحصيلي
2- يحقق التكامل الحقيقي بين تقنية الحاسب والعلوم والريلضيات في إطار مشوق
3- يعزز ثقة أوليا الامور في تطور المدرسة وخداماتها التعليمية المتميزه
4- يوفر ميزة تنافسية للمدرسة

مراحل الدورة
What topics are covered in the course
Unit | Main Topics | Real-world challenge | Hours |
Getting Started | ports, brick hardware, using software | - | 2 |
Building robot educator | Use building instruction to build robot educator hardware | - | 2 |
Moving Straight | Motors, Sequences of Commands, Block Settings, Downloading and Running Programs, Move Steering Block | Sensabot Challenge | 3 |
Turning | Turning, Types of Turns, Move Steering vs. Move Tank Block | Orchard Challenge | 4 |
Move Until Touch | Sensors, Wait For Block, Touch Sensor, Move Until Behaviors | Arm Position Challenge | 3 |
Move Until Near | Ultrasonic Sensor, Thresholds | Maze Challenge | 4 |
TOTAL | 18 |
What topics are covered in the course
Unit | Main Topics | Real-world challenge | Hours |
Move until Color | Color Sensor | Traffic Signal Challenge | 3 |
Turn for Angle | Gyro Sensor, Compensating for Sensor Error | Mower Challenge | 4 |
Loops | Loops, Patterns of Behavior | Container Handling Challenge | 3 |
Switches | Switches, Conditional Reasoning | Strawberry Plant Challenge | 3 |
Switch-Loops | Obstacle Detection Behavior, Repeated Decisions Pattern | Obstacle Orchard Challenge | 3 |
Line Follower | Line Following (a Repeated Decisions Pattern Behavior) | Line Tracking Challenge | 2 |
TOTAL | 18 |
What topics are covered in the course
Unit | Main Topics | Real-world challenge | Hours |
Data Logging | Data Logging Block, Resetting Sensors | Gyro Sensor Investigation. (Data Logging: Interpretation) | 1 |
Dataset Calculation | Experiment Mode, Uploading from EV3, Dataset Calculation, Auto scaling, X-axis and Y-axis of the Experiment Mode | Gyro Sensor Investigation. (Data Logging: Interpretation) | 2 |
Analysis | Reading values, Point Analysis Tool | Gyro Sensor Investigation. (Data Logging: Interpretation) | 2 |
Random Move | Data Wires, Random Block, | Pipeline Explorer Challenge | 1 |
Wall Distance Value | Using Sensor Data Values to Control a Robots Speed, Sensor Blocks, Using Loops to Update Values, Modifying the Move Steering Block | Pipeline Explorer Challenge | 2 |
Displaying Data | Displaying Data on your EV3, Display Blocks, Wiring Display Blocks, Modifying Display Blocks, Updating Data on Display Blocks | Pipeline Explorer Challenge | 2 |
Advanced Calculation | Math Blocks, Display Blocks, Converting Units from Rotations to Centimeters Travelled | Pipeline Explorer Challenge | 2 |
Variables | Variable Blocks, Naming Variables, Storing Variables, Reading Variables, Displaying Variables | Pipeline Explorer Challenge | 2 |
Search and Rescue | Using everything has been learned to create a rescue robot | Rescue robot challenge | 4 |
TOTAL | 18 |
What topics are covered in the course
Unit | Main Topics | Real-world challenge | Hours |
Gyro Boy | Robot Design | Self-balancing robot | 2 |
Gyro Boy | Robot programming | Self-balancing robot | 3 |
Colour sorter | Robot Design | Colour Sorting machine | 2 |
Colour sorter | Robot programming | Colour Sorting machine | 3 |
Puppy | Robot Design | interactive pet robot | 2 |
Puppy | Robot programming | interactive pet robot | 3 |
Robot Arm | Robot Design | Industrial pick and place robot | 2 |
Robot Arm | Robot programming | Industrial pick and place robot | 3 |
TOTAL | 20 |
What topics are covered in the course
Unit | Main Topics | Real-world challenge | Hours |
Basic Robot Movement | Program the robot with basic forward and backward moments | Angular Maze Challenge | 2 |
Moving the Arm | Program the arm attachment | Angular Maze Challenge | 2 |
Turning | Programming basic point and swing turns | Angular Maze Challenge | 2 |
Repeat Loops | Learn about loops and repeating behaviors | Angular Maze Challenge | 2 |
Commenting | Writing comments and code organization | Angular Maze Challenge | 2 |
Encoders | Learn about encoders and using them properly | 2 | |
Touch Sensor | Learn about the Touch sensor and how it works | 2 | |
Distance Sensor | Learn about the Ultrasonic Distance sensor | 2 | |
Gyro Sensor | Learn about the Gyro sensor | 2 | |
TOTAL | 18 |
What topics are covered in the course
Unit | Main Topics | Real-world challenge | Hours |
Color Sensor (Conditionals) | Learn about the Color sensor and using conditional statements | Capstone Challenge | 2 |
Color Sensor (Repeat Behaviors) | Learn about repeat loops with Color and other sensors | Capstone Challenge | 2 |
Color Sensor (Line Tracking) | Learn about the idea of line tracking | Capstone Challenge | 2 |
Encoders and Variables | Learn about using variables and extended encoder usage | Pipeline Challenge | 2 |
Functions | Learn to create and use functions | Pipeline Challenge | 2 |
Move Multiple Lines | Learn to use multiple functions and storing values | Pipeline Challenge | 2 |
Converting Distance to CM | Applying math operations with stored values | Pipeline Challenge | 2 |
Calculate Distance Functions | Creating advance functions | Pipeline Challenge | 2 |
Functions Parameters | Utilizing function parameters | Pipeline Challenge | 1 |
Displaying Value to LCD | Learn how to display information on the LCD screen | Pipeline Challenge | 1 |
TOTAL | 18 |
What topics are covered in the course
Unit | Main Topics | Real-world challenge | Hours |
Introduction | Learn about the real robot application of Barcode Scanner | Barcode Scanner Challenge | 2 |
Arrays | Learn about arrays and its functionalities | Barcode Scanner Challenge | 2 |
Detecting Lines/Storing Results | Learn about additional variables and functions | Barcode Scanner Challenge | 2 |
For Loops | Learn about For Loops and its functionalities | Barcode Scanner Challenge | 2 |
Binary Data Conversion | Learn about binary computer and how to apply it | Barcode Scanner Challenge | 2 |
Barcode Data Display | Learn how to display information on the LCD screen | Barcode Scanner Challenge | 2 |
Ideation Phase | As the grand challenge, it is broken down into multiple phases. Ideation Phase focuses on research and pre-planning. | Automated Car Park Challenge | 2 |
Development Phase | Focuses on development and maintaining rational goals during development | Automated Car Park Challenge | 2 |
Review Phase | Learn about changes throughout development and lessons learned | Automated Car Park Challenge | 2 |
TOTAL | 18 |
What topics are covered in the course
Unit | Main Topics | Real-world challenge | Hours |
Tank Bot | Robot Design | Tank vehicle | 2 |
Tank Bot | Robot programming | Tank vehicle | 3 |
Znap | Robot Design | Monster robot | 2 |
Znap | Robot programming | Monster robot | 3 |
Stair clamper | Robot Design | Stair clamping vehicle | 2 |
Stair clamper | Robot programming | Stair clamping vehicle | 3 |
Remote control | Robot Design | Bluetooth hand controller | 2 |
Remote control | Robot programming | Bluetooth hand controller | 3 |
TOTAL | 20 |
What topics are covered in the course
Unit | Main Topics | Hours |
Project Management | This section introduces students to industry-established best practices for brainstorming, working in teams, managing time, conducting design reviews, and using engineering processes. The worksheets contain tips and tricks to help any new team to work together when they are problem-solving. Also, some examples are included that explain how today’s project managers track resources for projects they work on. | 6 |
Introduction to Sketching | Sketching is the language that engineers use; “A picture is worth a thousand words...” This section contains ten sketching worksheets that will give students practice developing basic sketching techniques. | 6 |
Multi-View Sketching | Continuing development in sketching, this section helps to bridge the gap between two dimensional ‘flat’ sketches and their three-dimensional representations with the ‘glass box’ example. The worksheets included provide students with an introduction that slowly ramps up with more complex examples. It ends with a Drawing Interpretations section to ensure that students understand multi-view drawings | 6 |
TOTAL | 18 |
What topics are covered in the course
Unit | Main Topics | Hours |
Pictorial Sketching | Pictorial sketching worksheets are designed to introduce students to the methods that engineers use when designing things. Students have already seen these representations in other sections, but will now dive deeper into isometric sketching and the thought behind it. There are many examples and exercises in this section that are designed to give students the ability to develop their own pictorial sketches. | 6 |
Dimensioning and Measurement | In this section, students have the ability to practice how to measure and dimension parts applying either English and metric measurement. The chapter includes student worksheets that will walk through techniques for measurement both with a ruler and protractor. It also provides additional measurement examples and dimensioning rules. | 6 |
Mechanics | The mechanics section reinforces fundamental math skills as students learn about the impact that gears, pulleys, and varying wheel diameters have on their robot solutions. The exercises are designed to give students an opportunity to apply problem-solving skills, convert units, and answer questions about ratios and proportions. Each lesson in the mechanics section is provided with detailed answers to all questions in the Teacher’s Supplement. | 6 |
TOTAL | 18 |
- Elementary 1
What topics are covered in the course
(Graphic-based programming)Unit Main Topics Real-world challenge Hours Getting Started ports, brick hardware, using software - 2 Building robot educator Use building instruction to build robot educator hardware - 2 Moving Straight Motors, Sequences of Commands, Block Settings, Downloading and Running Programs, Move Steering Block Sensabot Challenge 3 Turning Turning, Types of Turns, Move Steering vs. Move Tank Block Orchard Challenge 4 Move Until Touch Sensors, Wait For Block, Touch Sensor, Move Until Behaviors Arm Position Challenge 3 Move Until Near Ultrasonic Sensor, Thresholds Maze Challenge 4 TOTAL 18 - Elementary 2
What topics are covered in the course
(Graphic-based programming)Unit Main Topics Real-world challenge Hours Move until Color Color Sensor Traffic Signal Challenge 3 Turn for Angle Gyro Sensor, Compensating for Sensor Error Mower Challenge 4 Loops Loops, Patterns of Behavior Container Handling Challenge 3 Switches Switches, Conditional Reasoning Strawberry Plant Challenge 3 Switch-Loops Obstacle Detection Behavior, Repeated Decisions Pattern Obstacle Orchard Challenge 3 Line Follower Line Following (a Repeated Decisions Pattern Behavior) Line Tracking Challenge 2 TOTAL 18 - Intermediate 1
What topics are covered in the course
(Graphic-based programming)Unit Main Topics Real-world challenge Hours Data Logging Data Logging Block, Resetting Sensors Gyro Sensor Investigation. (Data Logging: Interpretation) 1 Dataset Calculation Experiment Mode, Uploading from EV3, Dataset Calculation, Auto scaling, X-axis and Y-axis of the Experiment Mode Gyro Sensor Investigation. (Data Logging: Interpretation) 2 Analysis Reading values, Point Analysis Tool Gyro Sensor Investigation. (Data Logging: Interpretation) 2 Random Move Data Wires, Random Block, Pipeline Explorer Challenge 1 Wall Distance Value Using Sensor Data Values to Control a Robots Speed, Sensor Blocks, Using Loops to Update Values, Modifying the Move Steering Block Pipeline Explorer Challenge 2 Displaying Data Displaying Data on your EV3, Display Blocks, Wiring Display Blocks, Modifying Display Blocks, Updating Data on Display Blocks Pipeline Explorer Challenge 2 Advanced Calculation Math Blocks, Display Blocks, Converting Units from Rotations to Centimeters Travelled Pipeline Explorer Challenge 2 Variables Variable Blocks, Naming Variables, Storing Variables, Reading Variables, Displaying Variables Pipeline Explorer Challenge 2 Search and Rescue Using everything has been learned to create a rescue robot Rescue robot challenge 4 TOTAL 18 - Intermediate 2
What topics are covered in the course
(Graphic-based programming + Robot Design)Unit Main Topics Real-world challenge Hours Gyro Boy Robot Design Self-balancing robot 2 Gyro Boy Robot programming Self-balancing robot 3 Colour sorter Robot Design Colour Sorting machine 2 Colour sorter Robot programming Colour Sorting machine 3 Puppy Robot Design interactive pet robot 2 Puppy Robot programming interactive pet robot 3 Robot Arm Robot Design Industrial pick and place robot 2 Robot Arm Robot programming Industrial pick and place robot 3 TOTAL 20 - Advanced 1
What topics are covered in the course
(Text-based programming)Unit Main Topics Real-world challenge Hours Basic Robot Movement Program the robot with basic forward and backward moments Angular Maze Challenge 2 Moving the Arm Program the arm attachment Angular Maze Challenge 2 Turning Programming basic point and swing turns Angular Maze Challenge 2 Repeat Loops Learn about loops and repeating behaviors Angular Maze Challenge 2 Commenting Writing comments and code organization Angular Maze Challenge 2 Encoders Learn about encoders and using them properly 2 Touch Sensor Learn about the Touch sensor and how it works 2 Distance Sensor Learn about the Ultrasonic Distance sensor 2 Gyro Sensor Learn about the Gyro sensor 2 TOTAL 18 - Advanced 2
What topics are covered in the course
(Text-based programming)Unit Main Topics Real-world challenge Hours Color Sensor (Conditionals) Learn about the Color sensor and using conditional statements Capstone Challenge 2 Color Sensor (Repeat Behaviors) Learn about repeat loops with Color and other sensors Capstone Challenge 2 Color Sensor (Line Tracking) Learn about the idea of line tracking Capstone Challenge 2 Encoders and Variables Learn about using variables and extended encoder usage Pipeline Challenge 2 Functions Learn to create and use functions Pipeline Challenge 2 Move Multiple Lines Learn to use multiple functions and storing values Pipeline Challenge 2 Converting Distance to CM Applying math operations with stored values Pipeline Challenge 2 Calculate Distance Functions Creating advance functions Pipeline Challenge 2 Functions Parameters Utilizing function parameters Pipeline Challenge 1 Displaying Value to LCD Learn how to display information on the LCD screen Pipeline Challenge 1 TOTAL 18 - Advanced 3
What topics are covered in the course
(Text-based programming)Unit Main Topics Real-world challenge Hours Introduction Learn about the real robot application of Barcode Scanner Barcode Scanner Challenge 2 Arrays Learn about arrays and its functionalities Barcode Scanner Challenge 2 Detecting Lines/Storing Results Learn about additional variables and functions Barcode Scanner Challenge 2 For Loops Learn about For Loops and its functionalities Barcode Scanner Challenge 2 Binary Data Conversion Learn about binary computer and how to apply it Barcode Scanner Challenge 2 Barcode Data Display Learn how to display information on the LCD screen Barcode Scanner Challenge 2 Ideation Phase As the grand challenge, it is broken down into multiple phases. Ideation Phase focuses on research and pre-planning. Automated Car Park Challenge 2 Development Phase Focuses on development and maintaining rational goals during development Automated Car Park Challenge 2 Review Phase Learn about changes throughout development and lessons learned Automated Car Park Challenge 2 TOTAL 18 - Advanced 4
What topics are covered in the course
(Text-based programming + Robot Design)Unit Main Topics Real-world challenge Hours Tank Bot Robot Design Tank vehicle 2 Tank Bot Robot programming Tank vehicle 3 Znap Robot Design Monster robot 2 Znap Robot programming Monster robot 3 Stair clamper Robot Design Stair clamping vehicle 2 Stair clamper Robot programming Stair clamping vehicle 3 Remote control Robot Design Bluetooth hand controller 2 Remote control Robot programming Bluetooth hand controller 3 TOTAL 20 - Engineering CAD 1
What topics are covered in the course
(Computer Aided design)Unit Main Topics Hours Project Management This section introduces students to industry-established best practices for brainstorming, working in teams, managing time, conducting design reviews, and using engineering processes. The worksheets contain tips and tricks to help any new team to work together when they are problem-solving. Also, some examples are included that explain how today’s project managers track resources for projects they work on. 6 Introduction to Sketching Sketching is the language that engineers use; “A picture is worth a thousand words...” This section contains ten sketching worksheets that will give students practice developing basic sketching techniques. 6 Multi-View Sketching Continuing development in sketching, this section helps to bridge the gap between two dimensional ‘flat’ sketches and their three-dimensional representations with the ‘glass box’ example. The worksheets included provide students with an introduction that slowly ramps up with more complex examples. It ends with a Drawing Interpretations section to ensure that students understand multi-view drawings 6 TOTAL 18 - Engineering CAD 2
What topics are covered in the course
(Computer Aided design)Unit Main Topics Hours Pictorial Sketching Pictorial sketching worksheets are designed to introduce students to the methods that engineers use when designing things. Students have already seen these representations in other sections, but will now dive deeper into isometric sketching and the thought behind it. There are many examples and exercises in this section that are designed to give students the ability to develop their own pictorial sketches. 6 Dimensioning and Measurement In this section, students have the ability to practice how to measure and dimension parts applying either English and metric measurement. The chapter includes student worksheets that will walk through techniques for measurement both with a ruler and protractor. It also provides additional measurement examples and dimensioning rules. 6 Mechanics The mechanics section reinforces fundamental math skills as students learn about the impact that gears, pulleys, and varying wheel diameters have on their robot solutions. The exercises are designed to give students an opportunity to apply problem-solving skills, convert units, and answer questions about ratios and proportions. Each lesson in the mechanics section is provided with detailed answers to all questions in the Teacher’s Supplement. 6 TOTAL 18
فيديو عن دورة الروبوتكس في ام اس اسيا
أدوات الروبوت:
توفر ام اس آسيا أدوات التدريب لأغراض التدريب فقط ورسوم التدريب لا تشمل الأدوات ، وفي حال رغب الطالب إقتناء أدوات لتكون خاصة به فبإمكاننا توفيرها له وتكلفة الأدوات للطلب الواحد حوالي 460 دولار امريكي
- الطلاب الجدد ياخذون امتحان تحديد مستوى في الروبوتكس