Tawwir is a developmental project targeting schools and educational institutes in the Asian countries such as Cambodia, Philippine, Laos, Thailand, … for improving the administrative, educational and learning areas based on an organized plan and potential human resources with deep experience in the institutional work so that the desired quality can be achieved.
Based on Allah’s saying: “Believers are but brothers” and “to test you [as to] which of you is best in deed”.
The company found in its journey to some of the Asian countries and the provision of some programs that the following matters should be considered:
- The spiritual need for supporting Muslim inviters and their charitable institutions.
- The weakness of the administrative, teaching and educational staff in those countries
- The financial spendthrift in the buildings and giving them more concern while ignoring the administrative, teaching and educational development which results in the waste of efforts of the donors to benefit from what they donated.
- Qualifying and developing the managers of the centres, institutes, and schools administratively and educationally
- Qualifying and developing the teachers of the centres, institutes, and schools educationally and pedagogically
- Offering excellent models from these charitable organizations
- Offering administrative and educational to organize work in these charitable organizations
- Introducing this project a model in the centres, schools and institutes.
The word, training, always indicates the acquisition of knowledge, competence and experiences. Training courses are the practical skills and knowledge which combine to improve the trainee and ultimately, to change for the best. Training and development are well planned organizational efforts to facilitate the learners’ acquisition of skills related to their works, and obtain knowledge which enhance the performance and objectives of the organization.
Any area requires development and updating because learning and training are a life-long process.
Therefore, the importance of the training is to
- Prepare well equipped employees,
- Improve the level of the trainees,
- Create an interactive and competitive environment among trainees, and
- Meet the work market needs.
They are the general outcomes of the human resource development through the following items:
- Methods Providing the convenient scientific methods will enable the trainee to make the best use of all knowledge and skills he receives in his/her process to develop his current or future work performance or improve his comprehension of conditions of work and the efficiency parameters of productivity,
- Experience It is to provide the trainee with intensive experiences related to the improvement of his current or future performance through transferring experiences of the participants including the members of the training panel and work people-in-charge to intensify and accelerate the process of learning
- Trends The modification of trends, presumptions, the human and behavior tendencies, and substantiation of the required trends are meant to increase the trainee’s desire and his degree of psychological maturity.
- Skills They can be achieved through providing the trainee new practical, intellectual or artistic skills, and activating his old skills which were weakened with the passage of time, for the sake of enhancing the trainee’s capability and job maturity.
- Knowledge It is through supporting the trainee to acquire knowledge and scientific, theoretical and philosophical basics which enable him to know the new matters in performing his current job and prepare him to perform better in his future employment.
Course NO. | Week | Course Title | Training hours | Venue | Objectives | Executor | Targeted | number | Cost |
1 | First | Basic Language Skills for Teachers of Arabic Language for non-Arab Speakers (1) | 20 hours (5 days) | East-South Asia States | To train the trainee on the most important educational skills and methods for Reading | MS Asia for Educational Services and Development | Teachers of Arabic Language for non-Arab Speakers | 24 | Special discount for charity institutions 33% 6530 USD 4310 USD |
1 | Second | Basic Language Skills for Teachers of Arabic Language for non-Arab Speakers (2) | 20 hours (5 days) | East-South Asia States | To train the trainee on the most important educational skills and methods for Reading | MS Asia for Educational Services and Development | Teachers of Arabic Language for non-Arab Speakers | 24 | Special discount for charity institutions 33% 6530 USD 4310 USD |
1 | Third | Basic Language Skills for Teachers of Arabic Language for non-Arab Speakers (3) | 20 hours (5 days) | East-South Asia States | To train the trainee on the most important educational skills and methods for Writing | MS Asia for Educational Services and Development | Teachers of Arabic Language for non-Arab Speakers | 24 | Special discount for charity institutions 33% 6530 USD 4310 USD |
2 | Fourth | Employing cooperative learning strategies in Teaching Arabic Language for non-Arab Speakers | 15 hours (3 days) | East-South Asia States | - To know how to shape class groups which provide social media mechanisms, allow exchange of ideas and help them to ask questions freely - To encourage students to learn and giving them a chance to feel successful | MS Asia for Educational Services and Development | Teachers of Arabic Language for non-Arab Speakers | 24 | Special discount for charity institutions 33% 3580USD 2360USD |
3 | Fifth | Employing cooperative learning strategies in Teaching Arabic Language for non-Arab Speakers | 15 hours (3 days) | East-South Asia States | - To let the learners own the most important methods and interesting ways to attract and teach students | MS Asia for Educational Services and Development | Teachers of Arabic Language for non-Arab Speakers | 24 | Special discount for charity institutions 33% 3580USD 2360USD |
- Hiring trainers and paying their remunerations,
- Providing the bag and the card of the trainer,
- Offering the certificates for the trainees, and
- Giving awards for the most efficient participants in the courses
- Bringing the trainees and ensuring their registration in the course
- Providing a convenient place for training courses and for the team’s residence (the company can charge additional charges for that)
- Organizing the arrival of the trainees to the venue of training,
- Paying the training course costs
- Offering a certificate for SM Asia for the course execution, and
- Offering the trainers of the first party certificates for their presentation of the training course.